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£1.53/min + network charges
Angela Straightforward Psychic

Angela Extension: 366

I will read for you by candlelight or daylight and always strive to invoke an atmosphere that allows for clarity and focus on your issues.


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0906 661 5599

Call price:£1.53/min + network charges

Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Write a testimonial
Abilities Clairvoyant
Expertise Career/work, Pets/animals, Love/relationships, Family/home, Destiny/life path
Tools Cards
Style Straightforward

About me

When we are on the line together, I am really with you . . . really listening to you in order to channel your inquiries and your feelings into your Tarot reading or other medium.
I will read for you by candlelight or daylight and always strive to invoke an atmosphere that allows for clarity and focus on your issues.
I do not engage in any other distractions and I turn off all other technological equipment when I take your call.
I also like to work with dream interpretation and I am somewhat well versed regarding planetary influences, astrology both Western and Eastern, the chakra system, and numerology, as well as many other ethereal influences.
Romance, Health, Career, Enemies, and Pets are all issues I enjoy exploring as well as any issue that you are dealing with even if it’s just a desire to change things because you feel bored . . . let’s talk and see what we can discover together that will help you move along your path.

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0906 661 5599 - £1.53/min + network charges