Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels or Personal Angels focus on the spiritual and emotional well-being of one particular human and are personally assigned to you for your entire life.
Every human has at least two Guardian Angels with them. One who pushes you to make choices in keeping with your higher self. The other comforts you when you are sad, lonely or disappointed.

Gypsy Cards – Hungarian Gipsy
Cards Gipsy card have been used for card paying games and predicating life events or fortune telling. Card reading is called cartomancy. This helps enlighten us to the changes coming into our life. Life is a journey of discovery and exchange of energy we all share in our unique destiny.
Hand Writing Analysis (Graphology)
Handwriting analysis is a method of identifying, evaluating, and understanding a person's personality through the patterns revealed by his handwriting. By presenting a page of handwriting of a person will reveal your character and potential in life.