There is magic skill in everybody. The Angel of Magic, Aratron, can help us to discover and explore the magic in us. Aratron represents the Magic of Nature too, therefore with the help of Aratron we can find the power and the energy of nature that could bring peace and harmony into our lives.
Perform this Purple Light Beam meditation with Aratron in order to heal the Third Eye chakra and prepare yourself to be open to the magic of nature and to discover the power and skill inside you!

1. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, inhale the clear, snow white energy and then exhale all negative thoughts. Repeat this process till you are totally relaxed! Pray to Aratron with the following words :
”Aratron, Aratron, Aratron, please bring the angel magic and the purple light of transformation! In the name of love and light, love and light, love and light!”
2. Now imagine inhaling the purple light and that this light goes deeper and deeper with each inhalation until it reaches your heart and fills it completely!
3. When you feel that your heart is full of the purple light, send this light up towards your forehead to the Third Eye chakra (Brow chakra)! This is the soul energy centre of your body. Meanwhile please repeat the following affirmation :
”Aratron, I transform all my illusions with the help of the power of the purple light and fill my deepest self with it! I open up my soul to the magic of nature under the protection of your love, because this is my ancient wisdom. Please help me to find a master who can help me in this process. I place my soul in your hands!”
4. Have a short break while Aratron shows you the path (what you should do)! This will come to you in the form of a tingling sensation, or your heart will tell you what to do as a message of Aratron.
5. Exhale the purple energy which will gradually form wings around your body!
6. Be thankful for the help of Aratron and wait for t