In China, for example, even today they use this method in the churches to raise the awareness of spirits and to win their favour. The same method is used by Buddhists to expel evil spirits. However, Western man, even in the music world, has hardly come across this particular instrument. Today, however, the gong-bath and other similar procedures are beginning to become fashionable in Europe and the United States as the newest miracle in health and alternative medicine. Recognising the importance of sound therapy in our country is now available in various techniques (voice-bath and massage, massage cells, etc.).

As you hear the gong playing your body picks up the vibrations, especially the harmonic vibrations, in order to ensure a oneness with the universe and also a ’merging’ with the vibrations. The vibration of the body's own energy preserves mobilisation, thereby generating the self-healing process. The vibration of the gong results in a kind of (guided) meditation process: it functions as an aura cleansing and relaxation process. Due to the 110-Hz vibration it also has a healing effect.
According to notes found in the Middle East (Babylon and Persia) the use of gongs was just as widespread for health and healing as in ancient Egypt. The gong-bath, besides swimming, was a community experience which was due to people experencing meditation together at the same time, which goes beyond physical and spiritual healing. Next to its relationship building and maintaining role its next big advantage is that because of its simplicity it is easily accessible by anyone and it does not cost much.
There is only one danger: it is a highly addictive activity, so if you are not careful, you will soon realise that you are thinking about acquiring a gong for yourself, that will not necessarily build a good relationship with your local community...