In order to understand this it is not necessary to obtain ancient knowledge or go through a spiritual initiation. You just have to open your eyes to nature – it can be a plant or an animal - and learn from them and you will become wiser. Consider, for example, the bear. This animal reduces its needs to the minimum and sleeps during winter. We can achieve this by slowing our lives down and meditating. These, of course, are not easy tasks because the expectations from you at your work are the same all year around and winter is no exception.

Our diet can be easily changed by following our biorhythms and the wise advice of nature. Learning from animals we should especially give preference to seeds and meals made from seeds, rather than protein. It is also recommended to add plants that grow underground (onions, potatoes, beetroots, etc.) to your diet. Try to absorb the energy of the earth..
It is important to eat such foods that have the same or at least similar energy vibrations to ours. It means that you should prefer food grown near your home or at least from the same region. Tropical fruits – despite their vitamin content - should not be part of our diets because they are grown in distant locations where the vibrations are so different from ours. Of course we do no harm by eating those foods, but make sure that you add vegies grown near your area. The easiest way is to have your own garden. We could be even closer to ourselves by eating our own vegies with the added bonus that it is a wonderful feeling to see the seeds planted by our own hands grow in front of our eyes!