We all have some nice objects, mascots, that we believe could bring good luck to us. This is usually given by someone who is close to us who wanted to give pleasure, or reminds us of a happy event. The most common talisman is the engagement ring that went through a special "inauguration ceremony", the wedding ceremony. Traditionally the engagement ring is an eternal symbol of the bond between the spouses. If you really want a powerful amulet or talisman, it is best to prepare ourselves, or ask somebody to prepare it for us. To prepare a complex talisman, such as a diamond, you should trust experts. The focus is always on the "dedication" of the initiation ceremony which the object must go through in order to possess magical powers.

Most of the talismans are made from metal. Gold is the sun and the male symbol of strength, silver is the moon and feminine energy. Copper is an excellent metal to create love amulets. It is really important to listen to our intiution and to select such a metal that is the best for us. Because it is very important to feel comfortable to wear our jewelry. The same goes for the stones too. In the selection of a stone it should be placed in your hand and observed how it affects us. The best will serve us that we feel are most in harmony with us. The choice of form of amulet is also a complex issue. The most popular shapes are crosses, Celtic spirals, hexagrams and pentagrams.

As a first step we have to formulate what we want from the sacred object. What features should it have (protection, helping your career, strengthening our health, etc), only then can you choose the shape and the material. It is worth finding someone – a shaman or wizard – who we can consult and who has extensive experience in these matters.