D+M=1, 10, 19, 28 OR 37
Although you’d like to continue enjoying all the free-wheeling activity just as you did last month, it’s far more important to take care of the various jobs that need attention in August. Attend to the work even if you have to cancel some of the lighter activities you were looking forward to. During the weeks of August 2nd and 20th, discharge your home and family obligations. If some of the domestic chores or other tasks requiring attention are not fully discharged this month, they may interfere with important possibilities later in the year and impede your progress. Even minor jobs may feel irritating or particularly restrictive now, but it’ll be to your benefit to get them out of the way. Check on your health. Keep your feelings under control, especially from August 9th to 18th. Treat any disagreements or upsets with a caring and patient approach. If you can lighten the load for yourself or other people by adding a sense of joy and delight, it’ll be much appreciated.

D+M = 2, 11, 20, 29 OR 38
August can be a very exciting—and fulfilling—month. Some of the domestic changes initiated earlier in the year may take firm hold at this time. Other changes, started this month, may have a strong effect, too. Because of these significant shifts, you’re likely to feel much freer and more able to do things the way you want, particularly in regard to your home and family life. Some changes involving your ongoing ventures also may need attention during the week of August 12th. (If you’re occasionally afraid to take risks, you may impede some necessary changes or expansion in either domestic or business matters.) Expect a good deal of fun and excitement throughout the month: a delightful social life; a trip, possibly with your spouse, lover or special friend; special times with your children. There may be surprises and unexpected activities, particularly around August 9th or 18th. Be sure not to neglect your family membe