In the public consciousness there are a lot of stereotypes related to meditation and spiritual enlightenment. Many believed that meditation is the favourite activity of unusual, lonely people, but for many average people the ‘daily prayer’ or ‘devotion’ is as unusual and difficult to understand as meditation.

About group meditation
The common element in meditation – even if it is performed in group- is that it is essentially an individual, solo activity, because we are faced with our own dreams, fears, nightmares and thoughts. However, the journey of mediation can occasionally be shared with others. We can share this journey with others in group-meditation.
In short, these are (as mentioned above) the phenomena which are usually experienced in (preferably small numbers) groups, when the people who belong to that group live and work in perfect harmony, and they are able to have the same experience as can be felt after a good meditation. Any common activity can be done in a group, where the participants are connected to each other mentally.
Wonderful catharsis of harmony
Such group activities can lead to real miracles, and we do not even have to meditate or pray at all, we just have to work or live in perfect harmony with others. Just imagine, for example, a wonderful concert, where the performance of the orchestra (and we are not talking about just the soloists here) can generate a catharsis, or a dance performance, where the harmony of the dance group members makes us speechless. We tend to think that the show itself fascinates us (in some cases this is true), but more importantly, during the performance we come under the influence of something miraculous, this is a perfect, flawless harmony which comes from the mental synchronicity of the group.
The outcome in this case is much more than just the sum of the individuals’ abilities or performance, the additional value of a being in a group is un