One of the ancient Sumerian myths tells the story of Inanna’s journey to the underworld and her return to our world. In this myth Inanna’s journey represents the birth of winter. The Greek legend of Persephone tells the same story - Persephone’s disappearance made her mother Demeter mourn and this caused the first winter. We can interpret both of these stories as an adventure of a heroine to the underworld in order to gain knowledge and wisdom. Persephone ate 6 seeds of a pomegranate in the land of the dead. This is the reason that wisdom-magic is performed with pomegranates and its seeds are used to recall the secret knowledge.

Apple-seed magic
Magical abilities can be improved with the practise of this magic. We will have to prepare an apple-seed talisman if we desire Wiccan knowledge. This magic is stronger when performed on the night of the equinox, but any day during winter would be almost as good. According to Wicca witches the apple is a magical fruit, if we cut the apple in half horizontally we can see a five-pointed star which is a symbol of human beings and also the five elements.
1 15-21 cm black candle
1 apple (or preferably a pomegranate)
1 5 cm x 5 cm bag with white string
1 60 cm length of thin string
1 knife or witch’s dagger
Magic Ritual
1. Light the candle and then cut the apple in half horizontally.
2. Place all the apple seeds into the small bag with white string and put this around your neck.
3. Eat one half of the apple and close your eyes.
4. Imagine that you are walking in an apple tree garden. There is an ancient tree in the middle of the garden and an old lady is sitting under this tree. Walk up to the lady and say “Please give me courage in order to improve my knowledge!”. Watch carefully what happens and hear what she says. When she has finished come back from your inner journey.
5. Bury the other half of the