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Tarot School – The Sun – XIX.

The sun represents light, it penetrates everywhere, even into the deepest darkness. Its tremendous energy is endless, it shines by its own energy and the sun feeds itself with its own energy.


There are different types of scenes depicted for tarot card No. 19 - The Sun. In most cases a child, or children, appears on the tarot card, while playing in a garden full of flowers. This card represents the clear, childish being, and the dreaming and desire that are strongly related to childhood. The child is shown naked, which refers to rebirth, rejuvenation and regeneration. The child is riding on a horse, which brings hope. The wall behind the child is the symbol of the material world and shows that any obstacles can be overcome.

Portraying the sun with a child’s face was a tradition in ancient cultures; because people wanted to express that the sun is alive and gives life. The sunflower follows the movement of the sun and, like the sunflower, all other living creatures need the sun to live. All living creatures depend on the sun and its light, and everything needs its radiant heat. Similarly we need positivity, luck and hope because it is all these things that help make us alive.

Four flowers turning their heads towards the child symbolise the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms. These had already been given by God to human beings in the Garden of Eden so that they would look after them and cherish them. The four indicators of the world are energy, optimism, joy and confidence.

This card clearly represents the sunny and joyful side of life. This is the most positive tarot card, it is all about the fulfilment of desires, achievement of goals and success. Its message is that we are capable of overcoming any obstacles and fears; we can solve any kind of problem. The time of luck, satisfaction and success will be here soon!

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